a) Complete as frases com a classificação correta dos animais: Mammal, Bird, Fish, Reptile ou Amphibian, assinalando a alternativa correta:
The bear is a: ( ) mammal ( ) amphibian ( ) fish
The alligator is a: ( ) mammal ( ) bird ( ) reptile
The shark is a: ( ) fish ( ) mammal ( ) reptile
The frog is an: ( ) amphibian ( ) fish ( ) bird
The tiger is a: ( ) fish ( ) mammal ( ) amphibian
The owl is a: ( ) mammal ( ) fish ( ) bird
The macaw is a: ( ) bird ( ) reptile ( ) mammal
The monkey is a: ( ) bird ( ) mammal ( ) amphibian
Humans are: ( ) fish ( ) birds ( ) mammals
Snakes are: ( ) reptiles ( ) mammals ( ) amphibians
b) Complete as frases com as palavras abaixo, de acordo com o número:
(1) FUR - (2) FEATHERS - (3) SCALES - (4) SKIN
Sharks are covered by ( )
Owls are covered by ( )
Alligators are covered by ( )
Frogs are covered by ( )
Bears are covered by ( )
Tigers are covered by ( )
Snakes are covered by ( )
Macaws are covered by ( )
Lizards are covered by ( )
Humans are covered by ( )
C) Complete as frases com as palavras abaixo de acordo com o modo que cada animal se move:
1) Tigers _______________________ through the jungles looking for food.
2) Sharks can ___________________ very fast.
3) Snakes _________________through the grass.
4) Owls __________________at night hunting mice.
5) Alligators can _______________ and __________________.
6) Macaws __________________from tree to tree after fruit.
7) Penguins _______________on ice, but they need to ______________in order to hunt fish.
8) The ladybugs can ___________________ and _____________________.
D) Escreva as palavras na ordem correta, formando frases:
1) to / like / fish. / eat / Bears
2) eat / Toucans / fruit. to / like
3) meat. / Tigers / eat
4) night. / fly / at / Owls
5) are / Alligators / reptiles.
6) by / covered / Tigers / fur. / are
7) Penguins / fish. / hunt
8) very / shell / hard. / The / is / turtle’s
E) Complete as frases com as palavras abaixo, de acordo com o lugar onde os animais vivem. Pesquise, se necessário, sobre os animais que você não conhece:
01) Sharks live in ______________________________________.
02) Fish live in ____________________ and in _____________________.
03) Bears can be found in _____________________ and ______________.
04) Macaws live in ___________________________.
05) Crocodiles live in __________________________.
06) Whales live in ___________________________.
07) Eagles live in ___________________________.
08) Some species of turtles live in ___________________________.
09) Otters live in __________________________.
10) Capybaras live in ______________________.
F) Leia o texto e responda às questões em PORTUGUÊS:
“Where does oxygen come from?”
Every animal in the planet needs oxygen to survive. During breathing, animals inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Without oxygen, most humans would die in a few minutes, but thanks to plants, oxygen is replenished through a process called photosynthesis.
During photosynthesis, plants use the sunlight and absorb carbon dioxide in the air to produce its own food: glucose. In return, they release oxygen back to the air.
Translation: “De onde vem o oxigênio?”
Todo animal no planeta precisa de oxigênio para sobreviver. Durante a respiração, os animais inalam oxigênio e exalam dióxido de carbono (gás carbônico). Sem oxigênio, a maioria dos humanos poderia morrer em poucos minutos, mas graças às plantas, oxigênio é reabastecido através de um processo chamado Fotossíntese.
Durante a fotossíntese, as plantas usam a luz do sol e absorvem o dióxido de carbono do ar para produzir seu próprio alimento: glicose. Em troca, elas liberam o oxigênio de volta para o ar.
1) What is the name of the process animals go through in order to obtain oxygen?
2) Why plants need carbon dioxide?
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