Número de aulas: 04
A) Complete as frases com os verbos abaixo , de acordo com o sentido de cada um:
01) I always _____________ my mother in the kitchen.
02) My father and I ________________ the car on Sundays.
03) I like to _________________ home on the weekends.
04) They like to ___________________horror movies.
05) She doesn’t like to ____________________beer.
06) He likes to ___________________in the bathtub.
07) Pedro and Ricardo want to _________________hamburger and fries.
08) Ana loves to _________________ to pop music.
09) I __________________ to school at one o’clock p.m.
10) We need to ___________________ our bedrooms.
B) Coloque as palavras em ordem, formando as frases corretamente:
01) always / in the / have a shower / I / morning.
02) leave / 12:40 / They / at / school / p.m.
03) swimming / Mondays. / like / on / to go / I
04) brush / teeth / after / We / always / our / lunch.
05) go to / p.m. / at / I / bed / usually / 9:30
C) Escreva os seguintes verbos no tempo passado, em inglês:
TO CLEAN:: ___________________________
TO LEAVE: ____________________________
TO BRUSH: ___________________________
TO DRINK: ____________________________
TO WASH: _____________________________
D) Reescreva as frases colocando os verbos no tempo passado, como no exemplo:
The rain in Rio de Janeiro CAUSES floods.
The rain in Rio de Janeiro CAUSED floods.
01) Landslides DESTROY houses and buildings.
02) During a cyclone, people EVACUATE the city.
03) Strong winds DAMAGE houses.
04) Hurricanes SINK boats.
05) Rainfall RESULTS in flooding in São Paulo.
06) Earthquakes KILL many people.
07) Some factories CONTAMINATE rivers and lakes.
08) The cyclone CROSSES the city and CAUSES many damages.
09) The storms CAUSE many floods in the city.
10) The oil CONTAMINATES the ocean.
E) Read the text and answer the questions: (Leia o texto e responda às questões):
“Unprecedented study shows residents prone to floods and landslides”
In 2010, more than 8 million people lived in areas of potential risk of flood and landslide in 872 Brazilian municipalities . It was unveiled by the Population in Risk Areas in Brazil unprecedented study, released today by the IBGE. Salvador was the city with the highest concentration of people in this condition, 1.2 million, which corresponds to 45% of its population. São Paulo, with 674.3 thousand residents, and Rio de Janeiro, with 444.9 thousand, ranked in the second and third positions, followed by Belo Horizonte and Recife.
(Source: IBGE.)
01) What is this study about?
02) Which city has the highest concentration of people in risk areas?
03) Which the second city in the rank of population living in risk areas?
04) Which is the fourth city in the rank?
F) Complete as frases com as palavras abaixo:
1) Rain, snow and hail are called __________________________.
2) Every living being on the planet needs ____________________to survive.
3) The __________________makes the water from the ocean evaporates.
4) When _________________ gets dense, they get dark.
5) The water and the sun are essential for us to ___________________.
6) The water cycle is necessary for _______________________ on Earth.
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