terça-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2020

3C e 3TA - Inglês - 4º bimestre

Nome do professor: Érika Leite

Disciplina: Inglês 

Série: 3ºTA e 3º C

Prazo de entrega: 11/12

Forma de entrega: Foto do Caderno enviada pelo whatsapp ou e enviar para o email.

Mandar as atividades para: rlserikah1@gmail.com

I - Faça uma pesquisa do "Simple Past tense" e explique a diferença entre verbos regulares e irregulares.


1. Read and complete. Use the past simple (modificando o verbo entre parênteses para o passado).


It _______ (be) my birthday last week and my parents _______ (give) me a very unusual birthday present. They _______ (take) me to London Zoo but not as a visitor; I worked there! They have a special project at the zoo called Keeper for a day and last Saturday I ______ (become) a zoo keeper!


Four other children were in my team and we all ________(feel) really excited. First we _________(meet) Gerry, the head keeper, and he ________ (tell) us all about the zoo. Then we _________ (go) to visit the penguins. We cleaned their pool and __________ (feed) them (they love fish). After that we ________ (spend) some time in the monkey park and a monkey ___________(steal) my camera! Luckily, Gerry __________ (get) it back for me! At the end of the day I was exhausted but very happy. I hope I can go again next year!



2. Preencha as lacunas abaixo com a conjugação correta do verbo entre parênteses.

1-) The stores _____ (close) at 6 p.m. on Fridays.

2-) She _____ (wake up) at 8 a.m. every day.

3-) I don’t ____ (like) cheese.

4-) _____ (Do) she _____ (know) the whole story?


30 Passado Simples em Inglês:  When Barbara __________ home last night she __________ so tired that she ________ straight to her bedroom and __________ asleep.
A) arrived; was; went; fell.

B) arrived; is; went; fell.

C) arrived; was; went; felt.

D) arrived; was; go; fell.

E) arrives; was; goes; fell.


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